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Pampers - Black Maternal Health

She Knows and Pampers partnered to shed light on the systemic hardships experienced by Black women during pregnancy with the intention to generate awareness around the Black Maternal Health Crisis and provide visibility and tools for self-advocacy for Black Moms.

The Challenge

Pampers believes every parent is entitled to experience the full joy of pregnancy and beyond. That is why Pampers is committed to addressing the systemic issues that steal joy and prevent Black moms from receiving equitable care during pregnancy and post-partum. The time to change the outcomes for Black moms is now – because it is only when we raise the quality of care, can we deliver more joy. Staying true to who the brand is at heart, Pampers advocating for babies and parents’ health development, this campaign helped to address a social issue that doesn’t get the attention it should and needs. Pampers strives to be an ally in this fight for equity for all moms and babies.

Insight and Strategy

Insight: Pampers’ Maternal Health Equity program aims to address the systemic barrier contributing to the U.S. having one of the highest maternal mortality rates and highest for Black moms who are 3x more likely to die than White moms.  

Strategy: For the first time, Pampers partnered with SheKnows, a Black O&O partner, to design a beautiful Pampers Black Maternal Health Destination spotlighting Black Creators and SheKnows editors to discuss personal stories and experiences. Within the Destination, carefully curated graphics and content underscored the dire nature of the issues faced by black moms and addressed how to combat the contributing inequities. A full media effort surrounded the destination with multiple ad placements across, and additional branded content running on site. A custom video was also developed, highlighting the personal birth story of one of SheKnows creators, Jacqueline Stevens in a compelling, personal and educational tone.  

In addition to authentic editorial content, a live panel discussion at BlogHer Health was presented to both live and virtual audiences, creating a larger discussion across attendees and social media platforms.

Execution, Solution and Innovation

As a black owned and operated platform with the backing of diverse creator voices, SheKnows was able to develop visually and informationally appealing content and a destination for the content to live in an authentic way. Their digital destination held 5x articles that shed light on topics including experiences of black moms being dismissed by doctors, potential ways to help end the crisis, how to recognize and cope with traumatic birthing experiences and more. The 4x Social infographics included hard hitting realities including how about 60% of pregnancy related deaths are preventable, which resonated with audiences resulting in user engagements including comments such as “we need to raise awareness about this issue”. The custom video then brought to life the personal story of Jaqueline Stevens and her husband who had an emergency C-section during the birth of their second child in a visual, longer form format. Finally, to ensure that this program allowed for real life interaction, the panel that was hosted by BlogHer Health allowed for in person and virtual attendance to discuss steps towards equitable health care.

Result and Business Effect

This campaign won awards! We won the Anthem Award in the Health Branded Content category, celebrating purpose and mission-driven work; and won Pressboard Best of Branded Content for Top Branded Content Partnerships in the Health + Wellness category. 

Since the campaign's launch during Black Maternal Health Week 2022, our Black Maternal Health Crisis content has been widely read and watched and continues to resonate with our audience months after campaign end. Pampers’ resources page succeeded as a destination URL, and our ad banners on site (100% SOV) garnered nearly 4M clicks, with a CTR 3x over benchmark. Other media placements delivered strongly as well - the re-skin & masthead delivered the highest CTR with an average CTR of 0.84%; we over delivered on Social engagement by over 4x, and over-delivered on page views across the digital destination page by 35%.