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Intel - Reaching Tamil Nadu

With the objective of reaching their target audience and broadening their reach in the lower tiers of Tamil Nadu, India, this case study shows how Intel decided to adopt an In-Content Advertising (ICA) route.

The Challenge

With the objective of reaching their target audience and broadening their reach to the lower tiers of Tamil Nadu, Intel decided to adapt to the ICA (inside content advertising) route. The goal was to increase awareness about the Intel 12th Gen Core Processors and ICA would be ideal for this as a high percentage of the target audience could be reached through TV adverts.

Since Intel had been absent in the television market for a long time, and because building a reach on television takes time, a powerful and effective plan was required in order to make an impact in the market. Tamil Nadu is a high clutter market, where national channels have no impact in this market. Thus, taking a different approach to the television market was important. It was also necessary to choose channels with high affinity to deliver the Key Performance Indicators. With the ICA approach, Intel managed to deliver 547 Gross Rating Points and reached 46% audience @1+. In Tamil Nadu, the Intel ICA was viewed by 97% of the audience who spent an average of 4.91 seconds viewing the ad.

Insight and Strategy

Intel re-entered the TV market after a long pause, and to come back with a bang it had to do something out of the box, while meeting its aims of broadening its audience by addressing lower tiers.

ICA stands for inside content advertising. This means that the advertising communication of the brand is digitally embedded into the content at the post-production phase. For example, with Intel, the advertisement was embedded in the transition between 2 scenes in an episode. Not only does is this method of television advertising unique and eye-catching, but it is also un-skippable and un-pausable by the viewers. This makes the engagement much higher compared to any other TV ad. It also has the advantage of being in a clutter-less environment so viewers can focus on the content of the ad. The channels were narrowed down to Star Vijay and Zee Tamil as these two have high affinity amongst the target audience. The top programs on both these channels were utilized for a 2-week burst reaching 10 million of our target audience with an OTS of 12 and delivering 400+ GRPs.

Execution, Solution and Implementation

Innovation was key in this project because of the absence of Intel from TV advertising. It was essential to find a creative way to reach the target audience while achieving all its aims. That’s where ICA came into play. The fact that ICA includes the use of television as a medium but not in the traditional way, to reach tier 2 and tier 3 markets is what makes this advert innovative. ICA allows brand integration into the most popular content, in this case TV shows. Not only is it un-pausable and un-skippable, but it also places the brand in an uncluttered environment. Moreover, it gets rid of the placed when and placed where problems. Therefore using the ICA route was most suitable for such an the Intel 12th Gen Core Processor adverts.

Result and Business Effect

This campaign was an innovative way to target the tier 2 and tier 3 markets in Tamil Nadu. The ICA had various advantages in comparison to any other form of television advertising and this is highlighted in the results:

• Delivered 547 GRPs and reached 46% audience @1+.
• In Tamil Nadu, ICA was viewed by 97% audience who spent on an average 4.91 seconds viewing the various elements of the ad.
• Intel ICA performed better than the market benchmark in terms of average viewability and ability to attract the viewers.
• TOM increased by 31%, unaided awareness by 34%, aided awareness by 6% and ad awareness by 14%.
• The Intel ICA focuses on the functionality of the 12th gen processor, increasing the association considerably. More than 75% prefer Intel to other brands.
• There were significantly higher uplifts observed for message recall and overall opinions of Intel amongst younger audiences.