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March 2023 Awards Momentum

March 20, 2023

This month Carat Global have received two key reports that demonstrate the media agency brand’s bold momentum; the COMvergence 2022 New Business Report, ranking Carat #1 in EMEA and #4 Globally, up from 18th in 2021, and the RECMA Qualitative ranking, where our position has risen from 4th last year, to 3rd in this latest report. The latter of the two is great to see as we close in on regaining the coveted #1 position in that report. 

Not only that, but we also received some exciting news courtesy of the WARC Media 100 Global rankings, informing us that Carat in the UK placed in not only the top 20 of their Global agency Media100 list, but also two campaigns, and a handful of the UK’s clients too. The Media 100 list is one of the ultimate benchmarking for marketing – so this news along with the fantastic shifts in the RECMA and COMvergence scores are ones to be really proud of. 

We extend huge thanks to everyone across the network for the great work done to achieve all of these impressive accolades.