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An Inside Look at the Hottest Topics in Marketing and Media in 2022

May 20, 2022

Carat Views is a timely, inside look at some of the hottest topics in marketing and media. Let’s look back at some of our favourite episodes so far this year. 


Dan Calladine, Global Head of Media Futures kicked off the year talking about trends. He answered pressing questions around how the pandemic affected this year’s trends and shared what surprised him most in this year’s trends report. 


Next Rachel Leaver, Head of Insight and Research shared why life has become more flexible and how clients should alter their approach in our now more flexible world. 


Danni Wright, Chief Strategy Officer shared why sustainability has become more central to client plans. She also gave insight into how this has changed the value exchange between clients and consumers.   


NFTs is the topic Dan Calladine, Global Head of Media Futures discussed in this episode. He shared how NFTs have evolved over the past year and suggested what clients can do with them.


In this edition on the Metaverse, Agustin Crespo, Digital Partner shared the Metaverse reality today and the opportunities for brands. 

Sustainable Media

Next, Raul Baronetti, Global Strategy Partner spoke on how media has become more sustainable and shared initiatives clients have been using on sustainable media. 

Social Commerce

Damien Lemaitre, Global Commerce Director covered how we define social commerce and why social commerce is booming. He also shared how clients can get started on it. 

Retail Media

In our most recent episode on retail media, Simon Bielby, Global Strategy Partner shared why retail media is growing and talks through some of the strategies and challenges we've experienced. 

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