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Carat ranked #1 Globally in RECMA Qualitative Diagnostics Report

October 6, 2020 By Chelsea Radovanovic

October 6, 2020 – Following the release of RECMA’s bi-annual Global Network Diagnostics report, Carat is pleased to announce that it has retained its status as the number global media agency network.

For the past six years, Carat has consistently been awarded the number 1 position in each of the last twelve qualitative ranking evaluations. Additionally, Carat saw an increase in ranking scores across the majority of regions in which it operates.

The RECMA Qualitative Diagnostics Report evaluates media agencies’ strengths and weaknesses utilizing 18 criteria, and spans across 700 media agencies in 47 countries. Key evaluative points include new business activity, competitiveness in pitches, momentum, specialist resources and client rosters.

You can view the full report here.